CORE is a full text aggregator of all open access papers from repositories (institutional, subject, preprints, etc.) and journals. Around 20 million monthly active users.
No-Low Code Solutions for Modern Libraries.
CORE is a full text aggregator of all open access papers from repositories (institutional, subject, preprints, etc.) and journals. Around 20 million monthly active users.
Not only is Dimensions the world’s largest research information database, our clear goal is to enrich and link the data for you as much as possible: with keywords and concepts, organizations, researchers, or machine learning-based classifications. This brings thousands of data silos together in one linked data set for you – ready to be explored.
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, and open access archives. We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy. Our index currently contains 2,795,686 entries categorized in 5,858 categories. PhilPapers has over 330,000 registered users.